Iron and Wine- Such Great Heights Iron and Wine(Samuel Beam)也是一种隐藏不住的人物,这个大器晚成的男人成名之前是一名电影老师,在佛罗里达州立大学任教。1999年Beam有了一台四轨机,于是躲在卧室里捣鼓一些lo-fi小玩意儿成了他的一大爱好。一开始这只是个消磨时光的...详情
Such Great Heights- The Postal Service (Iron & Wine version) cover 我每次都死在最后一秒…… xinyi上传于2009年9月17日
The Postal Service - Such Great Heights I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles In our eyes are mirror images and when We kiss they're perfectly aligned And I have to speculate that God himself Did make us into corresponding shapes li
the postal service - such great heights High Rez
很难说清楚Iron and Wine的音乐风格。蓝草和另类乡村的根基,田园牧歌般的沉思默想,从某种程度上与Nick Drake、Sparklehorse遥相呼应。以诗意隽永的语言表达极为个人化的生活感受,思想的内向性、深刻性让人想起Conor Oberst和Elliot Smith的都市民谣。 这柔和的声音征服我了...详情
Gareth Pearson - Such Great Heights (Postal Service Cover)
Such Great Heights
Gareth Pearson - Such Great Heights (Postal Service Cover)
Such Great Heights - The Postal Service
ProdigySim - Such great heights
I own nothing
网络红人Scott Bradlee联手Kiah Victoria复古演绎Jackson 5经典单曲《From Such Great Heights》
Holly Henry - Such Great Heights(Cover)
高登音樂台 隨時抄中 (原曲 Mr 零時起哄 Such Great Heights)
学吉他,来无他!无他吉他网 无他吉他千人群—102650535
Such Great Heights